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Volunteer Spotlight: Tera Bollig

November 17, 2019 9:49PM

Everything that sbf111胜博发 Minnesota offers would not be possible without the amazing work of our volunteers. Often their work is done behind the scenes. To thank our volunteers and bring their efforts to light, we regularly showcase them in a Volunteer Spotlight.

Meet Tera Bollig, sbf胜博发登录 member, Marketing Committee volunteer and our 2019 Volunteer of the Year!

Volunteer Since: 2016

Job title: Brand Marketing Consultant

Company: Children’s Minnesota

1. Why did you decide to become a volunteer with sbf胜博发登录?

I had been at my job for about 10 years and I was looking for a way to stay current with marketing best practices.

2. What do you enjoy most about being a volunteer on your committee?

I enjoy working with other volunteers to figure out ways to grow sbf胜博发登录 membership and to promote events. It’s always fun to combine all of our unique perspectives and experiences to connect with sbf胜博发登录 members and non-members.

3. Why is being a volunteer with sbf胜博发登录 important to you?

Volunteering with sbf胜博发登录 has given me the opportunity to challenge myself both professionally and personally. I dreaded networking before I joined sbf胜博发登录, for example. It made me nervous to walk into an event and introduce myself to people I didn’t know. Now, I love to network! I’m always seeking out networking opportunities – whether it be sbf111胜博发 events, or having lunch with connections I’ve made through sbf111胜博发.

4. What’s the one thing you wish others knew about volunteering with sbf胜博发登录? What makes it unique?

Volunteering with sbf胜博发登录 opens up new opportunities. I’ve been able to grow my leadership skills and work with many great people that are just as passionate about marketing as I am. Marketers involved with sbf胜博发登录 are in all stages of their career – from recent college grads to leaders.

5. What is some of the best advice you've received in your career?

To continue to seek out growth opportunities to take my career where I want it to go.

6. Besides volunteering, what do you enjoy doing in your free time?

I love to run! After years of running road marathons and half marathons, I’ve been exploring trail running. I also love to travel. Favorite trips so far include Scotland, Maine and New Zealand.

Connect with Tera on LinkedIn!

Interested in being a volunteer? Check out our volunteer opportunities here!