
志愿者聚光灯: Daniel Woolley


Everything that sbf111胜博发 Minnesota offers would not be possible without the amazing work of our volunteers. Often their work is done behind the scenes. To thank our volunteers and bring their efforts to light, we regularly showcase them in a 志愿者聚光灯.

Daniel Woolley, sbf胜博发登录 member, and sbf111胜博发 Committee volunteer 

Daniel has been an sbf胜博发登录 member for about two years. Here’s what he had to say about how his sbf胜博发登录 membership has helped him to expand his network and grow professionally.

Tell us about your day job.
I work as a market research analyst at The Research Edge. I spend my time working with marketers to figure out what their customers are thinking. My role is both client facing as well as data facing. I work with the clients to develop the best tool to gather accurate and insightful data, and then I work with the numbers to best illustrate what they need to know to better connect with their customers. 非常愉快的工作!

How did you first learn about 美国医学协会?
When I began working at The Research Edge I was quickly introduced to 美国医学协会 as a professional development opportunity. I quickly learned that everyone seemed to know my boss, Cheryl Powers. I now just introduce myself by saying “I work with Cheryl” and everyone immediately knows where I work and what I do! The Research Edge has a long relationship with 美国医学协会 and we enjoy going to as many events as we can and seeing our friends from around the Twin Cities.

Tell us about your volunteer role with sbf111胜博发.
I am a member of the sbf111胜博发 Committee which sets up all the events for 美国医学协会. We determine the topics that resonate with marketing professionals and find exciting speakers that make our events fun and engaging.

Why did you decide to become a member, and then a volunteer? 
I have always enjoyed getting involved in organizations and I figured it was the best way to get to know more people in the marketing world. I remember going to my first event at the James J. Hill library and being so engaged in the topic and how friendly everyone was. It was an easy decision to get more involved with sbf111胜博发.

What is the most exciting or fulfilling part about volunteering with 美国医学协会?
The marketing world is vast and it is very exciting to learn about new ideas and upcoming trends. It is very fulfilling to be able to highlight the best and brightest in our field so that other marketers can bring that benefit to their organization. It is always very rewarding to talk with sbf111胜博发 members after an event and talk about what we learned, 比较我们的笔记, and see how this can make our lives easier back at our own job.

At sbf111胜博发 there is talk of the “涟漪效应” – how learning and networking through 美国医学协会 can lead to professional growth, connections, etc. Have you experienced the 涟漪效应?
网络 at sbf111胜博发 has lead to what I call the “small town” effect of marketing in the Twin Cities. I attend several other conferences for other professional associations and will run into people I have met from 美国医学协会 every single time. Making these connections has helped me to have a much more enjoyable experience at these conferences, as well as encourages me to continue to meet new people at sbf111胜博发 events.

What advice do you have for someone who may be looking to be a part of 美国医学协会?
I think 美国医学协会 provides a wonderful opportunity for anyone to network, 学习新技能, and add value to their own organization. Check out a few events throughout the year, get your employer to pay for your membership, and take advantage of all sbf111胜博发 has to offer. You and your employer will see that membership pays itself off through your professional development, the networking experiences, and the visibility it adds to your company.

What do you enjoy doing when you're not working or volunteering?
I am a classical musician and spend a good amount of time sitting at a piano or pipe organ. I also work as a music director for a Lutheran church in St. Paul and conduct a small choir. I enjoy learning new repertoire and performing in concerts around the Twin Cities.


From aspiring students to seasoned professionals, a membership with 美国医学协会 MN opens the door to a community of nearly 400 local marketers, and provides national resources and opportunities to learn and grow professionally. 加入今天!

Then Attend the New Member Meetup June 27

It’s a free opportunity to network with other Twin Cities marketers and learn how to take full advantage of sbf111胜博发 member resources. 今天注册!