


Marketers who have gathered insight to better understand their customers and improve the customer experience may find themselves a little stuck and asking “What now?” For 马特·迪特博尼尔, the Marketing Director at 赞美设计, this question is all too common. We asked Matt to share a little bit about what he shared at his recent sbf111胜博发 Minnesota presentation, “将数字营销与客户旅程结合起来.他是这么说的.

Why do organizations often struggle to create truly effective digital marketing?

Digital marketing is a relatively new way for brands to reach their customers. 而市场营销和广告已经存在了数千年, 数字营销只有大约30年的历史. The sheer breakneck speed of innovation is forcing marketers to move quickly as they adapt to changing consumer behaviors.

This puts many organizations in the uncomfortable position of trying to keep up with the changing tools and trends without an overarching strategy to guide them. 我们都看到了其他组织的成功案例, and it’s easy to latch on 到 basics without seeing the whole picture. We’ve all been a part of a conversation where someone says something like “We need to do more on social!许多人点头表示同意, but it can be challenging to decide what to post or how these social efforts will support existing marketing initiatives.

Organizations need to approach digital marketing from the customer’s perspective and find out how they can provide real value.  That value doesn’t come from 脸谱网 or 推特 or Google – digital channels are merely a means of distributing a message and that message needs to align with the needs of the customer.


Effective digital marketing, or really ANY marketing, is about delivering the 正确的信息合适的人正确的时间. 数字营销很棒, because we have access to tools that give us the power and the control to tweak each and every part of our digital touchpoints to find just the right fit. We can build dynamic audiences filled with the “right people” based on customer behaviors, 我们可以传递信息,引起独特受众的共鸣. We can build web experiences that account for each individual visitor’s preferences.

Digital marketing gives us the ability to customize and individualize messaging in ways we haven’t been able to in the past. But having the ability and actually doing it effectively are two different things. Experienced digital marketing professionals have practice with this ability, but lots of marketers are still figuring out where these tools and platforms fit within their marketing efforts.

What is the most common question you get from your clients related to using digital marketing to improve their customers' experience? 你给他们什么建议?

The entire digital marketing ecosystem is so big and overwhelming that people often don’t even know where to start. 大多数人甚至不知道什么是可能的,更不用说什么是最好的. 虽然我不能确定一个最常见的问题, there are two common approaches or mindsets that really shape the questions that clients ask, 它们都植根于“我怎样才能做得更多”?”


Some organizations are quick to jump to new channels or tactics in an effort to expand their reach. For these organizations, “more” means increasing the variety of marketing activities and touchpoints. Tons of organizations look 在 various digital marketing channels or tactics as a checklist. 因为他们看到竞争对手在做什么, 或者当他们听到下一个大事件的时候, 他们将其添加到检查清单中. 我们的网站在手机上运行吗? 检查. 我们有博客吗? 检查. 我们是否运行付费搜索活动? 检查. 我们在社交媒体上有很强的影响力吗? 不. 我们是否在利用视频内容? 不.

然而, most people understand that it’s possible to use any one channel or medium with varying degrees of effort, 他们可以经历不同程度的成功. 手机网站可以提供令人惊叹和满意的体验, 使用起来可能会非常痛苦, 或者介于两者之间. 当面对铺天盖地的数字选择时, organizations can begin to simplify this spectrum to just two options: “we’re missing out” and “we’re doing good enough.” This can lead to allocating resources to “the new hotness” instead of improving their use of potentially more effective channels.


其他组织可能会陷入一种模式, 然后继续用同样的剧本上演同样的戏. For these organizations, “more” means increasing the volume of marketing touchpoints. Some common approaches th在se organizations take include things like increasing budgets on existing paid search campaigns, 增加邮件爆炸的频率, 或者在博客上发表更多的文章.

虽然这些努力通常会继续产生结果, 他们将经常面对收益递减法则. The increased resources that are dedicated 到se efforts do NOT deliver comparable results. 整体, 每次获取成本上升, and the organization misses out on valuable opportunities to make a bigger impact.


While both of these scenarios might seem like polar opposites, they share the same root cause. 这两种方法都侧重于考虑 扩张 他们的努力没有考虑 改进 他们的努力. Creating a mediocre experience across many channels won’t yield the results that creating a great experience across just a few will. 在组织扩大他们的数字化努力之前, they should consider what 改进s could be made 到ir existing efforts. Take the time to align your digital marketing touchpoints with the customer journey and do BETTER before you do MORE.